"To be successful, you have to be unique. So different that if people want what you have, they have to come to you to get it."

I get to wake up, kick ass, get you fit & strong, change lives, & repeat! #LuckyGirl
#AlwaysHustleHard #AlwaysHaveFun
After graduating with an Honours degree in Psychology and Politics (with courses in Nutrition as well) I decided I would much rather kick butt for a living. I was hired by a reputable gym the same day I applied for a personal training job and spent the next year personal training over 50 different people and group training hundreds. I love my job and my life.
I've been running my own business for 8 years now & can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing as a career. Check out the "Testimonials" page to hear of all the amazing life, mind, & body changes that have happened at the AlliRoss Fitness Studio. Some will make you laugh, some cry, but all will inspire you to understand that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.
My clients give me the motivation to put their health and fitness into overdrive as well as push me to be the best I can be, at what I do. I get no greater satisfaction than watching my clients body's and lives transform into something they never even imagined they could be. & my 48 hour cancellation policy keeps you accountable to both you & I.
I am totally committed to seeking out and spreading the truth about fitness and health. By utilizing the latest research and new forms of equipment, I strive to keep myself and my clients on the cutting edge of maintaining a powerful level of fitness. I also have a few other amazing Trainers I call in to help kick all of my clients butts if I'm swamped. Through continuous education and my dedication to upkeeping academic standards, I will ensure that I am the most educated and respected in the field of health and fitness.
Thank you for reading & I look forward to helping you get to where you want to be & achieve even more than you ever thought you could.

A little extra about your superhero Trainer
shhhhhh... she took out a truck on her motorbike ;)
Something I don't share a whole lot about myself is that in May 2011 I was in a bad motorcycle accident. I have been riding longer than I have been driving & for most of my life called it my biggest most loved "hobby". The one thing (besides the gym) that made me always smile & get excited about. I'd gone 1 summer without a bike & told myself I'd worked hard enough the past year to buy myself an awesome 2003 ,984 Buell Lightning (like the black bike in Mission Impossible). So I did... & I was in love. It was rainy for a few days when I first got it & then finally on the Friday of the May long weekend I had the time & the weather to ride it. After having lunch with a few friends I left downtown to meet up with another friend to go for an afternoon ride..... I never made it to her house.
A truck pulled out of the Beer Store parking lot (to turn North) on George St. without looking left. Crossing my lane, he never made it to the center line & I drove straight into his driver side. I was told later I spent over 1 hour stuck under his truck with my bike before being rushed to Peterborough Hospital & then Airlifted to Sunnybrooke where I spent the next week in the ICU; followed by another 3 weeks in Peterborough Hospital . The guy who hit me faught his "failure to yield out of a private driveway" driving charge, dragging it out in court for over a year & a half. Insisting to the judge he was the victim... that he didn't hit anyone, he was the one who was hit. In the end he was finally charged.
I suffered a bone bruise on the inside of my left knee, road rash on my right ankle & arm, a puncture wound & damage to my left hip, broken rib, punctured lung & contusions, 2 broken bones in my left wrist, whiplash, concussion, brain injury, & a torn liver. No to mention my entire body feeling like a gigantic swollen bruise inside & out. I couldn't walk for 3 weeks due to the injury my hip sustained, couldn't shower by myself or brush my teeth, & lost over 15lbs in the 30 days I was in hospital. I walked slower than a turtle when I got out of hospital, with a cane & cast. & let's not even talk about the effects of the "pain" medication they were pumping into me.... My whole body felt battered & weak & I really didn't quite know what my future was going to look like after 'recovering'. The thing they don't tell you when you're medicated & in the hospital is that you might never fully recover. They give you timelines for injuries like 12 weeks & 6 months..... It's not until you get out & are trying to pick up the pieces & keep that positive attitude that you start realizing 12 weeks & 6 months have already gone long by.
One thing I have learned in this industry is that we all have injuries. We all have a story & some pain. But I am a firm believer that this life truly is about how you manuver around your own personal challenges. You can't just get up & walk away from an injury but you can get up & figure out how to keep going & be the best that you are able to be, physically & mentally, without letting lifes little hiccups stop you from living. I currently suffer from, in "dummy terms", a terrible left hand & wrist, migraines, chronic neck & low right back pain, left hip & knee issues that make my ankle & calf hate me if i try & run. & I won't get into how crazy I am now from getting my head knocked ;) lol my poor boyfirend. But at the end of the day if you surround yourself with positive people & are motivated by your injuries, instead of looking at them as obstacles, you can rebuild yourself....
again & again....