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Amanda. Lunn.

I was looking for someone to literally kick my ass. I wanted to strengthen, tone, improve my endurance, and battle that mental piece that comes with any sport that makes you feel like you are going to die by the end of a race.  I was also dealing with some other “changes” in my body that I had been fighting for a long time…and I needed the person who was going to train me to be someone who I could be myself with and to be someone that I could connect with. I needed someone who could help me take control of my own health.


I heard about Alli and checked out her website. Reading through her own story made me think this chick was for me. She seemed like a fighter and definitely a survivor who took control of her own recovery. So I met Alli and quickly realized she is fierce…a true force to be reckon with, and I wanted the challenge that I knew she could give me. My first workout with her I knew this was the start of an awesome relationship.


Alli continuously pushes me harder than I would push myself, makes me realize, on my own, that I am strong (and not just physically), and has helped me progress beyond my expectations. I told her the other day how strong I am feeling and she has a genuine interest in that. She invests her time in me as much as I invest time in myself.  I had a moment recently where I realized just how much all the ass kicking has paid off – first race of the season and I had dropped my split by almost 8 seconds, that’s huge! I could hear Alli’s voice in my head the whole time and all I wanted to do was tell her when I was done! She makes me laugh, cry, and feel like I’m going to die – and that’s why I love her! And that is why I will continue to let her kick my ass…she is a part of my life now and that makes me super happy!

- Amanda

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